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RSS Feed for #89

Open darkdragon-001 opened 8 months ago

darkdragon-001 commented 8 months ago

Sorry for adding an unrelated issue here but I couldn't find a better place to report this.

I just noticed that the RSS feed for disappeared recently. It was really great to stay up to date with your great work using open web standards. Would be great if this functionality could be restored. Thanks!

klml commented 8 months ago

@darkdragon-001 I asked about this internally, unfortunately the CMS was changed and the new one no longer has an RSS feed. But I have asked if a feed can be implemented later.

darkdragon-001 commented 8 months ago

@klml thanks for bringing this up internally! For most CMS which do not support RSS natively, there are open plugins available when searching a little bit through the internet. Which CMS has it been migrated to?

klml commented 8 months ago

@darkdragon-001 As for, we now use Magnolia for They also have feed syndication, but I don't know if that will be activated. I'll keep you up to date.

darkdragon-001 commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the info and keep is posted! Would also be great to have RSS feeds available for

Checking their docs, the category syndicator might be the right component to configure.

If I see it correctly, Magnolia is not open source, so sad to see this going from open to closed here. Although I can understand that consolidation of different toolkits makes sense.

darkdragon-001 commented 2 months ago

@klml any updates? I am missing your news in my feed!

klml commented 1 month ago

@darkdragon-001 The department has decided not to implement an RSS feed. sorry

darkdragon-001 commented 1 month ago

@klml sad to learn that open and accessible technology isn't a priority for Munich's IT :sob: