it-crowd / pom-sorter

Plugin for IntelliJ Idea to sort pom.xml
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No sort of ant tasks by default #21

Open blabno opened 10 years ago

blabno commented 10 years ago

By default Pom-sorter substitutes those two lines, which causes build to fail:

<mkdir dir="${}/downloads"/>
<get src="${}/bin/apache-tomcat-${}.zip"
    dest="${}/downloads" verbose="true" skipexisting="true"/>

Full plugin config:

                                    <!-- Remove the default ROOT webapp so it won't collide with tests -->
                                    <delete dir="${}/apache-tomcat-${}/webapps/ROOT"/>
                                    <mkdir dir="${}/downloads"/>
                                    <get src="${}/bin/apache-tomcat-${}.zip"
                                         dest="${}/downloads" verbose="true" skipexisting="true"/>
                                    <unzip src="${}/downloads/apache-tomcat-${}.zip"