Not translation for UA language text: User incorrect, User not found, Email must be a valid email for all screen resolutions: Desktop 1920, Desktop1440, Tablet 992, Tablet 768, Mobile 375.
Steps to reproduce
Navigate to the sign in page.
Pay attention on translation for UA language text: User incorrect, User not found, Email must be a valid email .
Actual results
Not translation for UA language text: User incorrect, User not found, Email must be a valid email for all screen resolutions: Desktop 1920, Desktop1440, Tablet 992, Tablet 768, Mobile 375.
Expected results
Translation for UA language text: Користувач невірний, Користувача не знайдено, Електронна пошта має бути дійсною for all screen resolutions: Desktop 1920, Desktop1440, Tablet 992, Tablet 768, Mobile 375.
Desktop (please complete the following information)
Description Not translation for UA language text: User incorrect, User not found, Email must be a valid email for all screen resolutions: Desktop 1920, Desktop1440, Tablet 992, Tablet 768, Mobile 375.
Steps to reproduce
Actual results Not translation for UA language text: User incorrect, User not found, Email must be a valid email for all screen resolutions: Desktop 1920, Desktop1440, Tablet 992, Tablet 768, Mobile 375.
Expected results Translation for UA language text: Користувач невірний, Користувача не знайдено, Електронна пошта має бути дійсною for all screen resolutions: Desktop 1920, Desktop1440, Tablet 992, Tablet 768, Mobile 375.