Font size doesn't match the layout for EN, UA languages and for all screen resolutions: Desktop 1920, Desktop1440, Tablet 992, Tablet 768, for text:
In Ukrainian (in accordance with the Charter)For example: Public organization 'LIVE'
To download the document, click on the paperclip icon or the 'Download file' button. jpg, jpeg, png or pdf format. The maximum size is 5 MB. How to download the file.
Steps to reproduce
Set EN language in the application
Navigate to the registration form
Pay attention on size fonts for text:
In Ukrainian (in accordance with the Charter) For example: Public organization 'LIVE'
To download the document, click on the paperclip icon or the 'Download file' button. jpg, jpeg, png or pdf format. The maximum size is 5 MB. How to download the file.
Actual results
In Ukrainian (in accordance with the Charter)For example: Public organization 'LIVE'
To download the document, click on the paperclip icon or the 'Download file' button. jpg, jpeg, png or pdf format. The maximum size is 5 MB. How to download the file.
have size font - 16px in Google Chrome, Firefox browsers and for Desktop 1920, Desktop1440, Tablet 992, Tablet 768 screen resolutions
Expected results
In Ukrainian (in accordance with the Charter)For example: Public organization 'LIVE'
To download the document, click on the paperclip icon or the 'Download file' button. jpg, jpeg, png or pdf format. The maximum size is 5 MB. How to download the file. have size font - 14px in Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari browsers and for Desktop 1920, Desktop1440, Tablet 992, Tablet 768 screen resolutions
Desktop (please complete the following information)
Pre-conditions page is opened
Description Font size doesn't match the layout for EN, UA languages and for all screen resolutions: Desktop 1920, Desktop1440, Tablet 992, Tablet 768, for text:
Steps to reproduce
Actual results Text:
have size font - 16px in Google Chrome, Firefox browsers and for Desktop 1920, Desktop1440, Tablet 992, Tablet 768 screen resolutions
Expected results Text: