ita-social-projects / EventsExpress

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As a user I want to invite friends to the event so that they can also join the event. #1413

Open nkovalyk opened 2 years ago

nkovalyk commented 2 years ago

As a user I want to invite friends to the event so that they can also join the event.

Date Time 07-19-2022 21:30


  1. The user is registered and logged on a site;
  2. The user is on the home page;
  3. The user chose the event to invite friends;

Description User can invite friends to the event by clicking "Invite friends" icon. User can select friends from the list and choose option to send invitation. Invitation is sent via chat, if user wants to send the invitation additionally to the email, he can also indicate it. If a friend is not registered on a site, user should add email manually.

Acceptance criteria Notes about what the story must do in order for the product owner to accept it as complete
Scenario 1.1 Display the list of all users to send the invitation
Given User is on the home page and event to invite a friend is selected
When User clicks "Invite friends" icon on the event card
Then The list of all registered users is displayed
Scenario 2.1 Send invitation of the event via chat
Given The list of all registered users is displayed (result of Scenario 1.1)
When User selects at least one user to send invitation to
And User confirms the choice by clicking confirm
Then Invitation is sent via chat
Scenario 2.2 Send invitation of the event to the email
Given The list of all registered users is displayed (result of Scenario 1.1)
When User selects send to the email option at least for one user from the list
And User confirms the choice by clicking confirm
Then Invitation is sent to the email of selected users
Scenario 2.3 Send invitation of the event to the email of the unregistered friend
Given The list of all registered users is displayed (result of Scenario 1.1)
When User types manually (or copy+paste) at least one email in the email field (two or more emails need to be separated by comma)
And User adds entered emails to the list of users by enter button/key
And User confirms the choice by clicking confirm
Then Invitation is sent to the email

Additional context image

Epic link E.g.: Epic #1407

Labels to be added "User story", Corresponding Functionality (e.g. User), Priority ("pri: "), "Corresponding Epic"