ita-social-projects / EventsExpress

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Verify that the user able to switch the toggle to Creator mode on the Events list page #1428

Open RomanANed opened 1 year ago

RomanANed commented 1 year ago

Date Time 12-20-2022 16:10

Priority High

Description The test case verifies the participant/creator toggle can be switched from Participant to Creator mode by clicking on it.


  1. Five events ('Party', 'Daily Scrum', 'Retrospective', 'Review', 'Rest' with the finished date < Getdate()) were created by Roman and published.
  2. The user is logged on a site (username = 'Roman', password = qwerty');
Test Cases S# Action Test Data Expected Result Actual Result P/F Automated
Move to the "My Events" page;

The 'My Events Page' is opened.

Click on participant/creator toggle

The participant/creator toggle switched on Creator mode

Verify that the Events' lists for Creator Mode are displayed (Finished events, In-progress events, Future events, Drafts)

The Events' lists for Creator Mode are displayed (Finished events, In-progress events, Future events, Drafts)

Screenshots Screenshot of switched on Creator mode on Events list page.


Additional context none

"User story #1403"

Labels to be added "Test case", Priority ("pri: "), Type ("UI, "Functional"), "API" .