ita-social-projects / EventsExpress

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Verify that the button "Join"/"Unjoin" and icons "Like", "Invite friends", "Share", "Bookmarked" are hidden on the card of cancelled event. #1435

Open TarasDutka opened 1 year ago

TarasDutka commented 1 year ago

Date Time 12-20-2022

Priority Medium

Description This test case verifyes that If the event is cancelled, the button "Join"/"Unjoin" and icons "Like", "Invite friends", "Share", "Bookmarked", are hidden

Pre-requisites Steps to be fulfilled before test:

  1. The user is registered and logged on a site (Username = 'User1', Password = 'Pass1');
  2. The user is on the "My Events" page ;
  3. The сancelled events must be in topic's 'Finished Events' ('Event1');
Test Cases S# Action Test Data Expected Result Actual Result P/F Automated
switch on the tougle 'See cancelled events'

Cancelled event 'Event1' is shown in the event list 'Finished events'

Verify that the button "Join"/"Unjoin" is hidden

The button "Join"/"Unjoin" is hidden

Verify that the icon "Like" is hiden

The icon "Like" is hidden

Verify that the icon "Invite friends" is hiden

The icon "Invite friends" is hiden

Verify that the icon "Share" is hiden<

The icon "Share" is hiden

Verify that the icon "Bookmarked" is hiden

The icon "Bookmarked" is hiden

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your test. Знімок екрана 2022-12-20 230831


Additional context Add any other context about the test here.

User story links E.g.: "User story #1405 "