ita-social-projects / EventsExpress

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Verify that User has ability to share the event from Event card #1442

Open SynelnykE opened 1 year ago

SynelnykE commented 1 year ago

Date Time 12-21-2022

Priority High

Description This Test Case verifies that the User has the ability to share the event from the Event card Pre-requisites Steps to be fulfilled before the test:

  1. The user is registered and logged on a site (Username = User1, password = pass1);
  2. The user is on the home page;
  3. The event exists:
  4. User has social media accounts on Facebook
Test Cases S# Action Test Data Expected Result Actual Result P/F Automated
Choose the event to share

The event is marked

Click "Share" icon

Options to share the event are displayed

Click on Facebook icon to share

Authorization form Facebook is opened

Authorize on Facebook

Event information is displayed (event name, picture, description, event link)

Click Copy link option

Notification that "link is copied" is shown
