As a registered user
I want to send a request to the company I am interested in,
So that I have a template and the company sees who wants to contact it.
Given I am a registered user
And I am on the company profile page
When I click on the button
Then I see the request's form
Given I am on the requests' form
When I fill in the request's fields
And click on 'Надіслати' button
Then the request is sent to the receiver
And it is displayed in the 'Вхідні/Отримані' requests list of the sender
decide if to access this feature also from the profile lists; new members block on main page
decide what button is so that it is clear what feature it leads to
As a registered user I want to send a request to the company I am interested in, So that I have a template and the company sees who wants to contact it.
Given I am a registered user And I am on the company profile page When I click on the button Then I see the request's form
Given I am on the requests' form When I fill in the request's fields And click on 'Надіслати' button Then the request is sent to the receiver And it is displayed in the 'Вхідні/Отримані' requests list of the sender