As a user
I want to see a notification that the email is sent
So I know that this action was completed by the system and I know what to do next
Given I am on the registration page
When I filled in all the registration fields correctly
And clicked on 'Зареєструватись'
And registration was successful
Then I see the modal window with the notification that the verification link to my email address was sent
And I can close the modal window
Can we resend the email? If yes, such button should be included to the screen
What will be the limit of resending of verification link?
If we have the button to send link again, then additional notification should be added
As a user I want to see a notification that the email is sent So I know that this action was completed by the system and I know what to do next
Given I am on the registration page When I filled in all the registration fields correctly And clicked on 'Зареєструватись' And registration was successful Then I see the modal window with the notification that the verification link to my email address was sent And I can close the modal window
Questions: Can we resend the email? If yes, such button should be included to the screen What will be the limit of resending of verification link? If we have the button to send link again, then additional notification should be added
Design: link
Epic - #3