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[Profile Moderation] Handle Moderation request for the removed content #630

Open MissMS opened 1 month ago

MissMS commented 1 month ago

As a moderator, I want to see the error message on the outdated requests due to content deletion so that I'm well-informed about the flow

Acceptance criteria:

  1. Use Case#3: Banner/Logo updated, not processed and ALL removed Given Profile Status = 'Pending Moderation' When Banner/Logo unprocessed by the moderator are removed Then Profile Status != 'Pending Moderation' [returned to 'N/A' - check the state chart diagram in US ] AND email must be sent to the moderator:


  1. Use Case#4: Banner AND Logo updated, not processed and Banner or Logo removed Given Profile Status = 'Pending Moderation' AND email sent to the Moderator contains Banner + Logo to be reviewed When Banner (or Logo), unprocessed by the moderator, are removed Then Profile Status must remain 'Pending Moderation' AND one more email must be sent with the accurate, remaining item in 'Pending Moderation' - Logo (or Banner) AND # of hours dedicated for the moderation must be restarted

  2. Given profile status = 'Pending Moderation' AND user removes Banner and/or Logo (content that forced the moderation) AND profile status != 'Pending Moderation' When moderator clicks 'ЗАТВЕРДИТИ', 'СКАСУВАТИ' on the older request Then the error message must be shown: Помилка: профіль було повторно оновлено. Попередньо доданий контент видалено. Посилання застаріле

EPIC: #615