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[Profile] Add `Змінити` button next to Banner and Logo fields #657

Open MissMS opened 2 weeks ago

MissMS commented 2 weeks ago

Problem: enhancing the process with logo and banner moderation raised an issue with the existing flow of image management - it is possible only to remove the image, not to update it. So it is necessary to add one more action allowing the user to change the image that will go through the moderation process, meanwhile keeping the existing images in the DB and continue showing them to all other users of the website until the new one is approved

Acceptance criteria:

  1. Add new action Змінити next to Banner and Logo fields on the Company profile page:
    • IF image hasn't been added THEN show Оберіть файл button
    • IF image is added THEN show Змінити, Видалити зображення (Видалити логотип) actions instead
    • Click on Змінити must invoke the same pop-up as for Оберіть файл button
    • IF image added is Approved by admin and new image is added THEN both images must be stored in the DB until the last one is Approved
    • IF image added is not yet Approved by admin and new image is added THEN the newly added image must be stored in the DB until it is Approved, and previously added not Approved image must be removed

EPIC: #6