ita-social-projects / GreenCity

The main aim of “GreenCity” project is to teach people in a playful and challenging way to have an eco-friendly lifestyle. A user can view on the map places that have some eco-initiatives or suggest discounts for being environmentally aware (for instance, coffee shops that give a discount if a customer comes with their own cup). А user can start doing an environment-friendly habit and track their progress with a habit tracker.
MIT License
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[Admin Cabinet ] Client’s violations page #3358

Open YuliyaTymkiv opened 3 years ago

YuliyaTymkiv commented 3 years ago

As an administrator, I want to see all client’s violations so that I can make a decision whether to block the client or not.

Assumptions & Constraints n/a


  1. Administrator navigates to the Clients tab

Business rules n/a

Acceptance Criteria

  1. When an admin clicks on the number of client’s violations, a page with the list of client’s violations should be opened.

  2. This page contains a table. All fields are disabled. The data is received from related order details form (user story #2787)

Column name Field type Requirements
Дата порушення Date DD/MM/YYYY. The date when the violation was made (user story #2861)
№ замовлення Number Order ID, in which the violation was made. 10 digit integers.
Ступінь порушення Text Violation level: “Легке” (highlighted in yellow) or “Серйозне”. (highlighted in red)

  1. When the admin hover the pointer over the string the view icon should be displayed. By clicking on this icon a pop-up with violation details is shown (user story #2862)

  2. Admin can close pop-up by clicking on close icon X.

  3. When the admin clicks on order ID, the page with order details should be opened in a new tab. (user story #2787).

  4. The clients name and surname should be displayed above the table

  5. When the admin clicks button “Назад”, the system returns the admin to the Client tab with a list of clients

Mockups: to be added

Out of scope Sorting

Epic link E.g.: Epic #2195

Labels to be added "User story", Correspondind Functionality (e.g. User), Priority ("pri: "), "Corresponding Epic"


    • [ ] sample task.
kovalchuk-vita commented 2 years ago

Tab "Customers" is opened. When I push on number of violation in the table for user Itrokk BesPuy, the page keeps loading and system showing an error: "Http failure response for 403 OK"