ita-social-projects / GreenCity

The main aim of “GreenCity” project is to teach people in a playful and challenging way to have an eco-friendly lifestyle. A user can view on the map places that have some eco-initiatives or suggest discounts for being environmentally aware (for instance, coffee shops that give a discount if a customer comes with their own cup). А user can start doing an environment-friendly habit and track their progress with a habit tracker.
MIT License
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[Change request #4577.] UBS Home page, display the information after cursor hover on number items #4577

Open KhristinaVasko opened 2 years ago

KhristinaVasko commented 2 years ago

Description of a Change request: Describe what needs to change

Reason for Change:

  1. Hide the information under number items and show it after cursor hover on appropriate number item.
  2. Formal address in text. Make changes "Створи" -> "Створіть", "Слідкуй" -> "Слідкуйте" etc.
  3. Change information: "Підготовка маршруту займе від 2 до 9 днів." -> "Підготовка маршруту від 2 до 5 робочих днів"

Acceptance Criteria image

Impact of Change

Labels to be added [change request: UI improvement] [change request: adjustment] [change request: new functionality]

Epic: [Epic title with its link]

KhristinaVasko commented 2 years ago

Display bug fixed