ita-social-projects / GreenCity

The main aim of “GreenCity” project is to teach people in a playful and challenging way to have an eco-friendly lifestyle. A user can view on the map places that have some eco-initiatives or suggest discounts for being environmentally aware (for instance, coffee shops that give a discount if a customer comes with their own cup). А user can start doing an environment-friendly habit and track their progress with a habit tracker.
MIT License
62 stars 80 forks source link

[UBS-Admin/Employees/Add employee] When the new employee was added, the email instructions with a password restoration link were sent with English localization instead of the password creation email with Ukrainian localization. #7220

Open avramchuk-a opened 3 weeks ago

avramchuk-a commented 3 weeks ago

Environment: Windows 11 23H2, Firefox 125.0.3 (64-bit). Reproducible: always. Build found: 16.06.2024

Preconditions 1) Create a new email address to add as an employee 2) Open 3) Sign in as Admin

Steps to reproduce

  1. Go to 'UBS-ADMIN' cabinet
  2. Click on the 'Employees' button in the left vertical menu
  3. Press the 'Add employee' button
  4. Fill in the 'First name', 'Last name', and 'Phone number' fields with valid data
  5. Fill in the 'Email' field with an address that was never been in the system
  6. Select a position of a new employee under a 'Position' dropdown ( e.g. admin, driver, or call manager)
  7. Select at least one tariff for this employee under the 'Tariffs' dropdown by clicking the 'Tariff' checkbox
  8. Press the 'Add' button to add your new employee
  9. Look up your inbox and open the new email from the system (e.g. from pickup city)

Actual result 1) After adding a new employee, the password restoring request is sent to the email address of this employee (who had no accounts created with this mail) with a link to reset a password for this account - email screenshot. The email request is in English.

Expected result 1) After adding a new employee the user will get a 'Створіть новий пароль Pick Up City' email in Ukrainian that contains:


Створіть новий пароль Pick Up City


Створіть новий пароль Pick Up City Привіт [First Name], Дякуємо що приєдналися до Pick Up City! Натисніть кнопку нижче, щоб створити пароль для свого облікового запису: [Button Text: Створити пароль] Якщо кнопка не працює, просто вставте це посилання у свій браузер: [link]

Ви отримали цей електронний лист у зв'язку із запитом на створення облікового запису нового співробітника. Якщо ви не очікували цієї дії, ви можете видалити цей електронний лист.

expected result

Impacted parts are highlighted!

Postconditions 1) Sign in as Admin 2) Deactivate the employee you previously created on the 'Employees' page