ita-social-projects / Home-UI

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[Error messages] Incorrect error messages appear in "Створити запрошення" modal window when invalid data is entered #411

Open NataliiaMaistruk opened 1 year ago

NataliiaMaistruk commented 1 year ago

Environment: Windows 10 Pro, Google Chrome 106.0.5249.119, Firefox Version 105.0.1 Reproducible: always Build found:

Preconditions Cooperation admin is logged in Invitation section is opened "Створити запрошення" modal window appeared

Steps to reproduce Actual result Expected result
1. Click in an Email field. Focus out "Це обов'язкове поле" message appears after focus out "Це обов'язкове поле" message appears when the user has entered symbols and deleted all of them and displayed until the user has entered at least one symbol
2. Enter one symbol in Email field Validation error message is not appear Validation error message "Мінімальна кількість символів - 7" appears when the user has entered one symbol and displayed until the user has entered 7 symbols.
3. Enter correct email but without "at" (@) symbol. ( Ex. Focus out. Error message "Електронна пошта містить латинські букви, цифри, та спеціальні символи" appear "Введіть адресу електронної пошти у форматі" appears when the user has entered a valid number of symbols and displayed until the user has entered “at ” ( @) symbol
4. Enter correct email but without a dot (.) symbol placed after the domain name before the top-level domain (Ex. john.doe@gmailcom) Focus out. Error message "Електронна пошта містить латинські букви, цифри, та спеціальні символи" appears "Введіть адресу електронної пошти у форматі" appears when the user has entered a valid number of symbols and displayed until the user has entered a dot (.) symbol placed after the domain name before the top-level domain
5. Enter the email with the special symbol at the beggining and/or end (Ex. & focus out Error message "Електронна пошта містить латинські букви, цифри, та спеціальні символи" appears "Перший та останній символи не можуть бути спеціальними" appears when the user has entered a valid number of symbols and displayed until the user has deleted special symbol placed in the beginning and/or end
6. Enter email address which was already used for registration in the system (Ex. Validation error message is not appear. Invitation is created again. (Look at attachment) "Користувач з вказаною електронною поштою вже зареєстрований, введіть іншу" appears when the user has entered a valid email address and until the user has deleted at least one symbol. Invitation shouldn't be created.

This bug is also reproduced on the Register cooperation page and the Register user page. This bug is also reproduced on the Login page except 6 step(Look at the attachment)

User story and test case links E.g.: "User story #53

cooperationnina.pngcooperationnina accepted.png register cooperation page.pngregister user page.pngs)login page.png

Labels to be added "Bug", Priority ("pri: "), Severity ("severity:"), Type ("UI, "Functional"), "API" (for back-end bugs).