382 To change functionality of the PUT endpoint of the PlatformInformationController
Story link
208 As a user, I want to have the Conditions and Contacts page to read description and goals of website there.
Code reviewers
Summary of issue
1 - to change functionality of the PUT endpoint or replace it with the PATCH endpoint
2 - to refactor the associated tests
3 - in case of appending the PATCH endpoint instead of replacing the PUT endpoint -> write new tests
Summary of change
The PlatformInformationMapper class was modified and the goal was achieve just by this action
Issue link
382 To change functionality of the PUT endpoint of the PlatformInformationController
Story link
208 As a user, I want to have the Conditions and Contacts page to read description and goals of website there.
Code reviewers
Summary of issue
1 - to change functionality of the PUT endpoint or replace it with the PATCH endpoint 2 - to refactor the associated tests 3 - in case of appending the PATCH endpoint instead of replacing the PUT endpoint -> write new tests
Summary of change
The PlatformInformationMapper class was modified and the goal was achieve just by this action