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Authorization logs #693

Open elizavetacher1 opened 1 year ago

elizavetacher1 commented 1 year ago

As a user (admin) I want to see the attempts of the user's login with details So that admin could see logging in the system


The user (admin) should be able to see a table with user login attempts with details.


User (admin) is logged in. Location: Адміністрування/Логи авторизації

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Details are presented in the table with 5 columns 1.1) Number of record 1.2) Login 1.3) Authorization date&time in the format DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM 1.4) IP of authorization attempt 1.5) Login status:
    • Successful
    • Failed (when user exists but the password is wrong)
    • User doesn't exist (when the user enters the login that wasn't registered). In this case the field “Login” should consist wrong login.
    • The IP wasn't found (in case when the user uses IP while authorization that wasn't identified in IP white list).
  2. After clicking on user name - the user's profile opens in the new browser tab. 2.1 In the case when user enters the wrong login - the user`s login is not clickable.
  3. The log storage period is 3 months from the date of authorization
  4. The table rows are 24 items for 1 page. When the amount of records is more than 24, including highlights the pagination starts.
  5. There are two types of sorting for date column: 5.1 Default - descending sorting. 5.2 After clicking on the Date field - ascending sorting.
  6. There are no limitation with the amount of saved records.
  7. The possible filters are for: 7.1) Dates There should be a date picker which allows to choose the period or one date to show all authorization attempts in such a period/date. 7.2) Login status 7.3) Search field by login. There is should be the opportunity to find the login in the Search field. The search field provides results based on the minimum match between the search query and actual user logins. The result should be performed as a list of login records in alphabetical order. 7.4) Search field by IP. There is should be the opportunity to find the IP in the Search field. The search field provides results based on the minimum match between the search query and actual IP. The result should be performed as a list of login records from recent login attempts to the oldest ones.

Here is the mockup: