Closed ioggstream closed 2 years ago
unfortunately dct:identifier is mandatory in DCAT-AP_IT (it should be something to remove from my perspective or at least relax in the specification, but at the time being is indeed mandatory). I noticed that actually there is no identifier of CLV. It can be added in this way dct:identifier "" ; If you want I can proceed and do it.
@giorgialodi shouldn't identifier match the latest part of the path? eg.
Ontologie/TI/latest/TI-AP_IT.ttl: dct:identifier "agid" ;
Ontologie/TI/latest/TI-AP_IT.ttl: dct:identifier "TD" ;
Ontologie/TI/latest/TI-AP_IT.ttl: dct:identifier "cnr - Z6HZEH - STLab" ;
For the Agent the identifier is the IPA code. in the case of AGID is ok, in the other cases, since they are not in IPA there is the acronym.
For the identifier of the dataset, it is a generic string. It can be the URI of the voc. or any other number
Do we expect dct:identifier in CLV?
Constraint Violation in MinCountConstraintComponent ( Severity: sh:Violation Source Shape: [ sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path dct:identifier ] Focus Node: Result Path: dct:identifier Message: Less than 1 values on>dct:identifier