italia / eudi-wallet-it-docs

Italian EUDI Wallet Technical Specifications
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[Wallet Solution - Wallet Instance Lifecycle] Wallet Deactivation #253

Open pietroACN opened 1 month ago

pietroACN commented 1 month ago

Wallet Deactivation section states the following: "Users have the ability to deactivate the Wallet Instance voluntarily. This action removes the operational capabilities of the Wallet Instance and sets it to the Deactivated state. Deactivation provides Users with control over access and usage according to their preferences." See link here

Within this context, in addition to user we should clarify that Wallet Providers will be able to deactivate a single wallet instance or every wallet instance with a specific Version (e.g. because a software weakness is found). The wallet itself must include a "mandatory update" capability in this case that will force users to update wallet before any further use.

peppelinux commented 1 month ago

please create a PR where an enumeration of the entities that can deactivate a wallet is provided, according to your suggestion you're confirming the user and suggesting to add the wallet provider as well.

while for the mandatory update, I find it very interesting; however there might be legal implications behind this that must be further analyzed

cmarco0 commented 1 week ago

Do you think this list of entities is satisfactory for resolving the issue?