italia / eudi-wallet-it-python

Python toolchain for building an OpenID4VP RP with a SATOSA backend compliant with the Italian Wallet implementation profile
Apache License 2.0
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[OpenID4VP] checks on vp_format #145

Closed peppelinux closed 7 months ago

peppelinux commented 8 months ago

The Verifiable Credential and Verifiable Presentation formats supported by the Wallet should be published in its metadata using the metadata parameter vp_formats_supported (see Section 8).

The formats supported by a Verifier may be set up using the metadata parameter vp_formats (see Section 9.1). The Wallet MUST ignore any format property inside a presentation_definition object if that format was not included in the vp_formats property of the metadata.

Note: When a Verifier is requesting the presentation of a Verifiable Presentation containing a Verifiable Credential, the Verifier MUST indicate in the vp_formats parameter the supported formats of both Verifiable Credential and Verifiable Presentation.

peppelinux commented 7 months ago

@salvatorelaiso please resolve this issue with a PR that only considers the HAIP profile defined here

peppelinux commented 7 months ago

Please update this

please move contents in separate files by scope, eg: