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Create LICENSE #1

Open ruphy opened 6 years ago

ruphy commented 6 years ago

You should also create a corresponding "AUTHORS" file with:

Copyright (c) 2017 Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale

The version control system provides attribution for specific lines of code.
libremente commented 5 years ago

@g0blin79 any update on this?

g0blin79 commented 5 years ago

Hi @libremente @ruphy

I see that you choose the Affero License.

This project contains custom Drupal modules and themes (in "web" folder). Obviously, Drupal itself isn't contained in this repository, considering it as external library buildable by "composer" into the "web" folder. As you probably know Drupal is an Open source software released under GPLv2 license or later.

AGPL License v3 (contained in this PR) is compatible with Drupal (see but i really don't know if could be more correct to add a single Affero LICENSE file into any single module/theme instead of at the root of the project.

g0blin79 commented 5 years ago

Some other considerations: see

Drupal modules and themes are a derivative work of Drupal. If you distribute them, you must do so under the terms of the GPL version 2 or later.

And from "License Compatibility and Relicensing" (

The ordinary GNU General Public License and the GNU Affero General Public License are two different copyleft licenses, so they are naturally incompatible. We have set up a special kind of explicit compatibility between them: you can include source code under the GNU GPL version 3 together with other source code under the GNU Affero GPL in a single combined program. This is permitted because both of those licenses explicitly say so, and the effect is that the GNU AGPL applies to the combined program. However, you can't simply relicense code from the GNU GPL (with or without “or later”) to the GNU Affero GPL, or vice versa; neither of these licenses gives permission for that. Note also that the GNU Affero GPL version 3 is not a “later version” of the ordinary GNU GPL version 2, because the GNU Affero GPL and the GNU GPL are two different series of licenses.

It seems you cannot license single modules with AGPLv3. You can license only a "combined program" with the AGPLv3, where one o more parts of this program is/are licensed with GPLv3 or GPLv2 or later.

I don't know if it is could be considered as "combined program", because the only code contained is related to Drupal (modules or themes). Probably If you choose GPLv2 or later license, you will be sure to avoid any possible conflict.

libremente commented 5 years ago

@g0blin79 sounds good to me, AFAIK usually Drupal modules/themes are licensed as GPLv2. What do you think @ruphy?

ruphy commented 4 years ago

that makes total sense to me! I propose to follow @g0blin79 's suggestion