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voms-proxy-init stuck on OBJ_create #81

Open andrzejnovak opened 4 years ago

andrzejnovak commented 4 years ago

I've have voms installed in conda. Runningvoms-proxy-init get stuck form some reason on OBJ_create. Strange thing is that terminating it, there is still a valid proxy created.

Enter GRID pass phrase:
Your identity: /C=DE/O=GermanGrid/OU=RWTH/CN=Andrzej Novak
oid exists
Function: OBJ_create
giacomini commented 3 years ago

If this issue is still valid, which platform are you using? which voms version?

dvandok commented 1 year ago

I'm now seeing more or less the same but without the oid exists and further. A strace shows that the program (voms-proxy-init Version: 2.1.1 Compiled: Oct 26 2022 07:40:44) is stuck in a loop opening /cvmfs/ and never closing it, so it runs out of file descriptors.

dvandok commented 1 year ago

problem actually seems to be due to the program being unable to find the correct vomses file for the requested VO. If I pass the explicit --vomses=/etc/vomses/ option, it works.

andrzejnovak commented 1 year ago

Yup, the only follow-up I would have is that it's weird that you can pass --vomses but no --voms_dir that one has to be exported to an env var, but I need both the get a proxy back without any "errors"

msalle commented 1 year ago

It seems that if the default location for vomses in version 2.1.1 doesn't exist, it hangs instead of fails. If you specify that non-existent location, it does fail correctly. For the cvmfs one, it looks for /cvmfs/ which doesn't exist.