itamarst / eliot

Eliot: the logging system that tells you *why* it happened
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Trio's nursery lifetime interacts badly with start_action #401

Open itamarst opened 5 years ago

itamarst commented 5 years ago

(Based on discussion in


from eliot import start_action, to_file
import trio

to_file(open("trio.log", "w"))

async def say(message, delay):
    with start_action(action_type="say", message=message):
        await trio.sleep(delay)

async def main():
    async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
        with start_action(action_type="main"):
            nursery.start_soon(say, "hello", 1)
            nursery.start_soon(say, "world", 2)

The result:

└── main/1 ⇒ started 2019-04-26 13:01:13 ⧖ 0.000s
    └── main/2 ⇒ succeeded 2019-04-26 13:01:13

└── <unnamed>
    ├── say/3/1 ⇒ started 2019-04-26 13:01:13 ⧖ 2.002s
    │   ├── message: world
    │   └── say/3/2 ⇒ succeeded 2019-04-26 13:01:15
    └── say/4/1 ⇒ started 2019-04-26 13:01:13 ⧖ 1.001s
        ├── message: hello
        └── say/4/2 ⇒ succeeded 2019-04-26 13:01:14

What happens is that the start_action finishes before the nursery schedules the say() calls, so they get logged after the action is finished. Putting the start_action outside the nursery lifetime fixes this.

Depending how you look at this this is either:

  1. A problem with Trio integration.
  2. A design flaw in the parser (notice that all those messages are actually the same tree, the parser just decides the tree is finished too early).
  3. A general problem with async context managers/contextvars/how actions finish.
itamarst commented 5 years ago

The discussion above has some suggestions for solutions.

itamarst commented 5 years ago

Still think there should be some Trio-specific support, but adding a 10-second delay to the parser before it finishes up an action would probably catch most cases.