itang /

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Doing #65

Open itang opened 10 years ago

itang commented 10 years ago


hazelcast 还挺易用的, 一个Jar, 服务集群、自动发现、失败转移


温习了一遍, 记下几个数据:

by default, the maximum heap size is set to either 1/4th of the physical memory available to the OS, or to 1 GB

By default, the initial heap size is set to either 1/64th of the physical memory available to the OS

By default, the ratio is set to 2 (the old generation occupies ⅔ of the heap, and the young generation occupies ⅓)

By default, the thread stack size is set to 320 KB or 1024 KB, depending on the platform

涉及Hive,Spark的大量背景知识, 初步理解:Hive是基于MR(包括Spark)之上的类SQL引擎 Spark是一个类MapReduce的计算框架,基于HDFS之上,是Hadoop生态系统中的一员。 文章讲了用Spark作为Hive后端的好处以及它们交互的一些知识。

软文, 推cloudera的课程?

有丢分, 为通过作业内部的测试

听力不行, 感受不深啊

Java8 还是有很多进步的, 个人的JDK默认已经切换到8了。

2014-09-26 39 Clone 2014-09-26 14:40 粗略的过了一遍

09-24 17:30 17 pointers

09-24 11:10 21 iterators

09-25 15:00 27