itayhubara / BinaryNet.pytorch

Binarized Neural Network (BNN) for pytorch
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Does the Binarize() function use STE? #9

Open leejiajun opened 6 years ago

leejiajun commented 6 years ago

Does the Binarize() function use STE? I haven't seen the STE algorithm in this whole project.

mohdumar644 commented 6 years ago

I want to know the same.

Probably the Binarize operation on the layer weights is not recorded (the weights are leaf nodes?). During backward pass, the gradient is calculated w.r.t. the binary weights. This same gradient is used to update the real weights, hence implicitly STE.

haichaoyu commented 5 years ago

Want to know the same +1

Ashokvardhan commented 5 years ago

@mohdumar644, @haichaoyu, @leejiajun : I went through the code of and in the class BinarizeLinear, we can see that the line modifies the values of the weights to be binary. This means that both during the forward and backward passes, the binary weights are used. However for the gradient update we need real weights which are only available in However I am not sure how these real weights are used by the optimizer.

mohdumar644 commented 5 years ago

weights are binarized in forward pass using

prior to optimizer step, real weights are copied back.

mohdumar644 commented 5 years ago

btw, a more understandable approach to constructing binarized/quantized neural networks in PyTorch can be found here with a custom Quantizer/Binarizer module having explicit STE in the backward pass.

Ashokvardhan commented 5 years ago

@mohdumar644 thanks for the links! In the attached implementation too, the class BinarizeLinear uses the function QuantizeWeights which is very similar to this PyTorch implementation. They also use the copying trick. So I don't see a clear difference in the implementation except for the Quantizer module which has own forward and backward functions.

Ashokvardhan commented 5 years ago

weights are binarized in forward pass using

prior to optimizer step, real weights are copied back.

I see. I was only looking at the file which didn't have this copying trick and hence got confused. So it seems the current implementation for MNIST is wrong because they are updating the binary weights instead of the real weights. what do you think?

haichaoyu commented 5 years ago

Hi @Ashokvardhan , thanks for your insights. I just focused on the the resnet code for cifar10 ( In fact, I have two questions about the code.

Please correct me if there is any problem.

mohdumar644 commented 5 years ago

@mohdumar644 thanks for the links! In the attached implementation too, the class BinarizeLinear uses the function QuantizeWeights which is very similar to this PyTorch implementation. They also use the copying trick. So I don't see a clear difference in the implementation except for the Quantizer module which has own forward and backward functions.

My bad actually since I am a bit rusty - the links I shared only change the way the intermediate activations are binarized/quantized, not the weights - for the weights the way is the same i.e. an extended Linear module. The code I shared just avoided having to = Binarize( inside this extended class.

weights are binarized in forward pass using prior to optimizer step, real weights are copied back.

I see. I was only looking at the file which didn't have this copying trick and hence got confused. So it seems the current implementation for MNIST is wrong because they are updating the binary weights instead of the real weights. what do you think?

Did you look at this line?

mohdumar644 commented 5 years ago
  • One is the hardtanh here. This function is called between bn and next conv layer. hardtanh makes output between -1 and +1. This makes backward of binarization inside each conv and linear does not take effects (gradients are always 1). My solution is to just remove the tanh layer and use an explicit STE layer as you mentioned above (The difference is that I used gate function in backward). After these modifications, performance remains the same.

You basically integrated Hardtanh into Quantizer/Binarizer function by using a clamper/gate in the backward. Good!

Ashokvardhan commented 5 years ago

@mohdumar644 thanks for the links! In the attached implementation too, the class BinarizeLinear uses the function QuantizeWeights which is very similar to this PyTorch implementation. They also use the copying trick. So I don't see a clear difference in the implementation except for the Quantizer module which has own forward and backward functions.

My bad actually since I am a bit rusty - the links I shared only change the way the intermediate activations are binarized/quantized, not the weights - for the weights the way is the same i.e. an extended Linear module. The code I shared just avoided having to = Binarize( inside this extended class.

weights are binarized in forward pass using prior to optimizer step, real weights are copied back.

I see. I was only looking at the file which didn't have this copying trick and hence got confused. So it seems the current implementation for MNIST is wrong because they are updating the binary weights instead of the real weights. what do you think?

Did you look at this line?

Aah, didn't notice this. Thanks! Btw, this file assumes that one has access to the datasets for cifar-10, cifar-100, imagenet. Do you know in what format they are needed to run this code? In case you already happened to run these codes, can you let me know about this? Thanks!

mohdumar644 commented 5 years ago

As per this,

Ashokvardhan commented 5 years ago

Hi @Ashokvardhan , thanks for your insights. I just focused on the the resnet code for cifar10 ( In fact, I have two questions about the code.

  • One is the hardtanh here. This function is called between bn and next conv layer. hardtanh makes output between -1 and +1. This makes backward of binarization inside each conv and linear does not take effects (gradients are always 1). My solution is to just remove the tanh layer and use an explicit STE layer as you mentioned above (The difference is that I used gate function in backward). After these modifications, performance remains the same.

Sorry, I didn't understand this. can you please explain in detail?

  • The second possible problem is that the Binarization operation (inside each conv and linear) are directly applied to instead of Tensor. As a result, binarization is not recorded in gradient graph. An explicit STE on Tensor instead of may solve this problem.

Please correct me if there is any problem.

I realized that there is no problem with their implementation. The reason they didn't have to use STE() is because they are modifying only the which won't be recorded for gradient computation. This is exactly what we need because we are using the gradients on the binary weights to update the real weights directly.

haichaoyu commented 5 years ago

Regarding the first point:

Actually, both of my concerns are summarized in this issue title by leejiajun. Does the network use STE with gate gradient? (Equation 4 in the paper)

itayhubara commented 5 years ago

By using the HradTanhH you ensure that the gradients of STE is 0 when abs(activation) > 1 and 1 when abs(activation) < 1. Note that the STE is used over the activations (not the weights) to avoid running back-propagation through the sign function.

haichaoyu commented 5 years ago

@itayhubara, Sorry, its my mistake. What about weight STE?

Ashokvardhan commented 5 years ago

@mohdumar644 Thanks for the links. Btw, though the paper is about binary weights and activations, in the code I only see weights being binarized. Are activations binarized anywhere? The code uses nn.Hardtanh() function which only restricts it to be in [-1,1] but not binary.

In fact, the other implementation you referred to actually uses quantization on activation.

mohdumar644 commented 5 years ago

The line

in is related to the activations. It binarizes the output of the HardTanh

Ashokvardhan commented 5 years ago

@mohdumar644 : I am confused now because in the backward pass, the gradients for activations are computed at the binary activations and not the real ones. Suppose h is the real activation from the previous layer. Ignoring the batch norm stuff, if the real weights are w, then the BinarizeLinear computes Hardtanh(Q(w). Q(h)), where Q is the sign quantization function. Now when we do backpass, the gradients of activations are computed at Q(h). Since there is no STE() for activations, I don't see how the current gradients are obtained.

mohdumar644 commented 5 years ago

@mohdumar644 : I am confused now because in the backward pass, the gradients for activations are computed at the binary activations and not the real ones. Suppose h is the real activation from the previous layer. Ignoring the batch norm stuff, if the real weights are w, then the BinarizeLinear computes Hardtanh(Q(w). Q(h)), where Q is the sign quantization function. Now when we do backpass, the gradients of activations are computed at Q(h). Since there is no STE() for activations, I don't see how the current gradients are obtained.

A typical BNN goes like a_bin_k = Sign(HardTanh(BatchNorm(Linear(w_b * a_bin_k_prev). Lets ignore BatchNorm.

The sign binarization function on inside forward function of BinarizeLinear is not recorded in the gradient computation graph. PyTorch does not see the operation Sign(x), and does not use its gradient. But it has the binarized activations available in the BinarizeLinear saved tensors for backward pass since we did binarize them using sign on So the gradient on weights g_w_b is calculated using binarized activations, and gradient on binarized activations g_a_b is calculated using binarized weights (according to backprop formulas of linear layer).

Now in our PyTorch model, we performed HardTanh before the next Linear layer, so we backpropagate further from BinarizeLinear to the preceding HardTanh. We did not write Sign function between HardTanh and Linear anywhere in our main model description so its gradient is nowhere considered. If we say y=HardTanh(x), then we already have g_y as g_a_b, since the sign function was not recorded in computation graph and PyTorch thinks the output of this HardTanh 'y' is the same as the one on which the gradient was calculated in BinarizeLinear. Thus we implicitly performed STE. Now we can find g_x using gradient definition of HardTanh and backprop further back. Of course, HardTanh is only used to clip gradients for proper training in BNNs.

Ashokvardhan commented 5 years ago

@mohdumar644 Thanks for the clarification. I was under the impression that the gradients with respect to activations are always calculcated w.r.t to real activation values. If they are computed only w.r.t binary activations, indeed the current implementation is current and your explanation makes a lot of sense. With regards to activations being binarized, the other implementation does this explicitly with no source for confusion.

mohdumar644 commented 5 years ago

@mohdumar644 Thanks for the clarification. I was under the impression that the gradients with respect to activations are always calculcated w.r.t to real activation values. If they are computed only w.r.t binary activations, indeed the current implementation is current and your explanation makes a lot of sense. With regards to activations being binarized, the other implementation does this explicitly with no source for confusion.

Always good to refer to the original BNN paper.


Ashokvardhan commented 5 years ago

@mohdumar644 I was confused because I didn't see nn.Hardtanh() in the paper but in the implementation they used that function. Because of this ambiguity, it was not clear which one to follow. Now looking back, the forward pass in the paper is effectively like a linear neural network just with binary activations and weights and clamping the gradients in the backward pass when activations are beyond 1, right? Of course, for the implementation sake one can view it as using nn.Hardtanh() in the forward pass to make the computations of backward pass easier.

mohdumar644 commented 5 years ago

Yes the paper's algorithm can be functionally achieved using a variety of ways in different frameworks.

Ashokvardhan commented 5 years ago

As per this,

  • the cifar-x datasets (and even the mnist dataset when needed) will be automatically downloaded and extracted in a certain folder the first time the script is run, and later reused.
  • the imagenet is much larger (>100 gb) and will be needed to be downloaded and setup in the relevant directory yourself

I see. Do you need to do any processing on the imagenet dataset or just the raw images are used for the code? Btw, where did you downloaded it from?

Ashokvardhan commented 5 years ago

@itayhubara Can you mention a bit what the instructions for ImageNet dataset that are needed for the experiments in the paper? Such as what format you need the dataset and where to obtain it from, etc.

codeprb commented 4 years ago

@itayhubara I too have the same question as @Ashokvardhan. Which imagenet dataset has been used here. I have downloaded a partial dataset from kaggle with 45000 images for training and 5000 images for validation. Please let me know if there is any specific requirement for imagenet dataset.

itayhubara commented 4 years ago

You need to download the ImageNet dataset from here (note that you must login for that) and then you can use torchvision to create a dataloader.

codeprb commented 4 years ago

I am trying to run Resnet model with the Imagenet dataset. Unfortunately, I get 100% precision soon after the 1 epoch of the training. I am unable to trace the error. Could you please let me know what could be the error. 2020-03-24 16:36:48 - INFO - TRAINING - Epoch: [0][0/176] Time 59.987 (59.987) Data 2.543 (2.543) Loss 6.8668 (6.8668) Prec@1 0.000 (0.000) Prec@5 0.000 (0.000) 2020-03-24 17:30:24 - INFO - TRAINING - Epoch: [0][10/176] Time 49.430 (297.805) Data 0.001 (0.232) Loss 0.0000 (0.6243) Prec@1 100.000 (90.909) Prec@5 100.000 (90.909) 2020-03-24 17:38:45 - INFO - TRAINING - Epoch: [0][20/176] Time 49.411 (179.859) Data 0.000 (0.122) Loss 0.0000 (0.3270) Prec@1 100.000 (95.238) Prec@5 100.000 (95.238)

I am storing data under datasets/ImageNet_train/train/1/ and test data as datasets/ImageNet_test/test/1/