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FPV Freerider Recharged controller calibration request. #1051

Open graywoulf opened 4 years ago

graywoulf commented 4 years ago


I am writing this in response to my many days of trying to set up my Taranis Q X7 transmitter to use in your FPV Freerider flight simulator program. In short, the calibration of the transmitter's control sticks can be a daunting task due to the lack of proper instructions of the finer points of the calibration process. Just moving the sticks to designated positions and clicking on the next button is just part of the process. I could not utilize the stick assignment settings by use of clicking on the dots because there were no instructions on that page on the proper procedure. I did after many, many attempts finally figure out the proper procedure on my own. No YouTube video covers this part that I could fine. So, my suggestion on this is to either recreate the entire procedure to an easier one or add the missing information for future users and customers. Just my opinion I know but I hope you will look into this.

Best regards,

Rick Haywood aka graywoulf

Deozaan commented 4 years ago

This is support for the website. This is not support for any games found on the website. Try contacting the creators of the game for support for the game.