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"Made with" showing wrong Engines & tools #1062

Open Alex25820 opened 4 years ago

Alex25820 commented 4 years ago


In my project settings under Metadata, Engines & tools I have selected that my game is made using Aseprite. When I go to my project page it says that the game is made using Aseprite and PixiJS even though I have not selected PixiJS.

I have no idea how this happened but I have tried selecting different engines and tools which works fine but PixiJS is still always there.

leafo commented 4 years ago

Can you link to the page in question?

Alex25820 commented 4 years ago

Sure, the page is currently draft but I will send a secret URL to the email adress shown in your Github profile. If you would like me to send the link anywhere else feel free to contact me.