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Floating buttons can overlap browser games #1160

Open malvese opened 3 years ago

malvese commented 3 years ago

There is a list of floating buttons at the top right of game pages If a button's text is very long, as is often the case for Game Jams, it can sometimes cover a web game and prevent clicking on some parts of its UI. Of course a simple solution is to open Dev Tools and hide or delete the buttons. But as a feature request, I wish there was a more practical way to hide or collapse them.

Capture 2021-02-19 at 11 47 24

I can only click outside of the UL's bounding box: image

sapsari commented 2 years ago

All browser games which joined Climate Jam 2022 are suffering from this, because button text is too long. It is "Rate for Climate Jam 2022 - Hosted by IndieCade, the IGDA Climate SIG and Games For Our Future", which is 94 chars long.


chocmake commented 1 year ago

This seems to be the most relevant ticket but commenting since it's obtrusive even for general game pages. Noticed this for this game, where two of the labels/buttons overlap the game page banner (and due to labels' fixed positioning it overlaps while scrolling, too).


One mitigation could be to word wrap the labels via CSS maximum width. Eg, here with the parent element .user_tools set to max-width: 320px: Screenshot - 2

Wouldn't solve the issue of the OP's but might be an interim mitigation for the lengthier labels in general browsing.