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Support WebAuthn Authentication #1183

Open jcc10 opened 3 years ago

jcc10 commented 3 years ago

I would really love it if you could add WebAuthn as a factor for securing accounts. (It could be used to replace account passwords, or as a second factor).

For those who want the TL;DR: WebAuthn is a standard for connecting to phisical authentication devices such as thumb sensors, windows hello, or discrete authentication devices connected via USB, Bluetooth, or NFC tags. It's based off pubic/private key crypto and is domain specific. According to CanIUse, 74.85% of browsers in use support the standard.

I personally want to use 2FA on my account, however I don't want to risk loosing / breaking my phone and backup codes and loosing access to my entire account, so I went ahead and bought two USB dongles that can be used to support 2FA. This way I can keep one on me and leave one plugged into my desktop. Additionally if I loose one I have a backup.

ThatNateGuy commented 3 months ago

Seconding this request. I came to the repo specifically to request this feature and found that someone already had. Passkeys are also gaining a lot of ground which is part of the standard.