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Twitter card does not reflect tiered bundle price #120

Closed elisee closed 9 years ago

elisee commented 9 years ago

Hey itchies :)

This is a bit late for our bundle but I thought it's worth fixing for future bundles. The GameDev Starter Pack page correctly reflects that the bundle is tiered by stating "Buy up to 4 items starting at $20.00":


But the Twitter card still says "$20.00 for 4 games":


Here are the meta tags returned:

<meta name="twitter:description" content="GameDev Starter Pack, $20.00 for 4 games">
<meta property="og:description" content="GameDev Starter Pack, $20.00 for 4 games">
<meta name="description" content="GameDev Starter Pack, $20.00 for 4 games">
fasterthanlime commented 9 years ago

Good catch!

elisee commented 9 years ago

In the same vein, says "4 items for $20.00"


leafo commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the reports. Sorry about the trouble. There were a few people who purchased the wrong tier who want to upgrading and we're going to have something out soon to help them out. Are you okay if these upgraded purchases happen after the bundle is over?

leafo commented 9 years ago

Should be fixed everywhere now. Thanks

elisee commented 9 years ago

@leafo yes, no problem if it happens afterwards. It's great if you can offer them to upgrade :)