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[Feature request] Anonymous entries during game jams #125

Open litoticdev opened 9 years ago

litoticdev commented 9 years ago

Hi there!

I'm organizing a game jam called the "WAG Challenge":

As we'll have a jury of several people, I was wondering if it's possible to hide the names of the participants for the entries during the whole contest -- only the admin would have access to them.

Thanks in advance! Galejade.

leafo commented 9 years ago

It's an interesting idea but there are a lot of implications. Since a game is also part of someone's profile, and potentially part of other jams/collections/etc, it would somehow have to be marked anonymous for the duration of the current jam from the entire site. I'm assuming your jury would not be admins of the jam so you're just trying to hide the creators of the games from them?

litoticdev commented 9 years ago

Hi there! Thanks a lot for your quick reply.

Yes, it's just an idea I have, as our jury members are well-known people, I'm a bit concerned that they may be seen as "biased" if entries aren't anonymous... It's still hard to predict, but having all entries anonymous during the jam, from the entire site, would be nice. But I'm also not sure if it's entirely doable since people like to advertise about their games while they're making it; on top of having anonymous entries, maybe they could stay hidden from everyone (with just a count of all the entries submitted so far) until we announce the winners. Like "private" submissions only available for the jury members, if you know what I mean?

Or, if these submissions are private for everyone, but if as an admin I can have access to them, and download them all, I could ask people not to put any mention of their names in the games, and give the builds to the jury members (and remove any mention of the creators in the name of their builds) If it's too complicated, please let me know, I think we can manage without that anyway, it may be not realistic at all...Thanks and have a good one! Galejade