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devlogs are hidden for password protected, restricted pages #1427

Open acgaudette opened 1 year ago

acgaudette commented 1 year ago

I have a private (restricted) project with builds on the main page and a number of devlogs posted to the project over time. I've set a password for users that want to access the page without a key.

If you attempt to access the project page via the password, the page appears normally, except none of the devlogs appear (expected behavior: they typically appear as links on the homepage).

What's broken though, and what really makes this a bug, is that if you happen to have a direct URL for any of the devlogs, and your session has access to the project page, then you can access the devlog, despite the fact that they don't show up as links on the project page. Annoyingly, while an individual devlog usually contains links to other devlogs, in this weird half-in half-out situation, a devlog renders its content and nothing else -- no additional links.

acgaudette commented 1 year ago

itch also provides a convenient URL for collating devlogs, at <user><project>/devlog. However, another bug: when you attempt to access this page, it presents a password prompt, but if you enter the correct password, it just returns 'mismatched token'.

If you attempt to access this URL with the old ?password=... trick, it just 404s.