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feature request: ability to somehow report a game for incorrect or misleading tagging #1463

Open lilmike opened 1 year ago

lilmike commented 1 year ago


I would like to request a way to report a game for incorrect or misleading tagging. This report would, ideally, go to the developer and/or itch. The reasoning behind this is that, on the games tagged blind accessible, literally 90% are 100% inaccessible to blind people. My suspicion is that some game developers tag their games with literally as many tags as possible, in an attempt to get eyes on them. The affect of this, however, is that a new blind user to, me several years ago, has to go through 10+ pages of supposedly blind accessible games, with 9/10 of those pages being utter trash in regards to the query. Utter trash in this case is not referring to the quality of the game, but the quality of the tag for the game. If the game is tagged as blind accessible but is not, and I am searching for such games, it is a trash result that adds nothing to my search, and in fact has a truly detremental affect on my search quality. I know reporting tags to would be rather time consuming, and put a burden on the staff, but quite honestly, when specialized categories like blind accessible are flooded by games not matching the tag at all, just hoping to get some sales, it's quite bad a look for new, or even returning users. I have taken the policy to only click on games that mention something to the affect of "darkness" or "no visuals" or "sound" or "blind" "audiogame", etc, or something that I really would like to be accessible, even if it's probably not likely to be so. I will fully admit I have probably missed many an accessible game that didn't meet these requirements in service of making my browsing easier.

Please think about this, it would make users browsing so much easier if this was fixed.


leafo commented 1 year ago


The report dialog that can be opened on the bottom of the game page has the following option:

Miscategorized — Shows up on wrong part of, incorrect tags, incorrect platforms, etc.

Please select that option to report games that have the issue you are describing.


nicross commented 6 months ago


I was curious if you could illuminate how this process works. I recently reported 25+ games for misrepresenting their accessibility on the platform. I planned to do more, but felt discouraged by how few have been corrected. Is it the developer or the community moderator who handles the removals? Should I be providing more details in my reports beyond saying it's inaccessible? What can make it easier for us to improve this situation?
