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[Web : Search][Desktop App : Search] Ability to search by price #582

Open dschnare opened 7 years ago

dschnare commented 7 years ago


Wondering if you can add a search term for searching by price? There are a lot of great games on itch, but I would like to search for games in a particular price range.

For example, the search route /search could recognize dollar amounts in the query and automatically only serve games that have the matching price.

search term, operation, route $20, exact match, /search?q=%2420 $0-$20 or -$20, range 0 - 20 dollars, /search?q=-%2420 $19.99-$99.99, range 19.99 - 99.99 dollars, /search?q=%2419.99-%2499.99 $20-, range 20 dollars and up, /search?q=%2420-

felixp7 commented 7 years ago

There's already an option to search games up to a certain price, admittedly with only three steps (free, at most $5, and at most $15). From my own traffic stats, it's the first two options that people use. May I ask why you're interested in having a lower threshold?

dschnare commented 7 years ago

Personally, it's so I can find potentially higher quality games. By being able to search for say $15 and up or $20 and up (or dare I say AA and AAA pricing of $40+ and $60+) I may be able to find games that match my taste (i.e. game with a bit more content, and a dev that thinks their game is worth more). It's not always the case that games that cost a little bit more are better, but usually the games with a more realistic cost point provide a certain amount of content and replayability to them that the dirt cheap variety can't.

Thanks for considering it though, and kudos on Itch.