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Moderator-only hangout #713

Open felixp7 opened 6 years ago

felixp7 commented 6 years ago

Unless I somehow managed to miss something incredibly obvious, there doesn't seem to be a post category just for community moderators, or any other way to discuss delicate issues in private. Some situations aren't cut-and-dry, rules may need clarification and/or uniform handling, one of us could step out of line without meaning to... Lots of reasons to have one. Thank you.

leafo commented 6 years ago

Do you think this should be something that every community can have, or are you interesting in something for main community moderators to use? We would probably set up a discord channel for that.

felixp7 commented 6 years ago

Oh, I was thinking one global "moderators' corner" would be enough. But it really should be a part of the very community we're moderating, not force people to make accounts on yet another social networking service.