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API for game jams #872

Open tobiasvl opened 6 years ago

tobiasvl commented 6 years ago

It would be nice with API endpoints for jam-related stuff

tscrypter commented 4 years ago

I've built a team coordination service that I want to offer a free tier to jammers during specific game jams (enabling those that host the jam to setup the free tier for all their members). I'd like a way to retrieve the game jams the logged in user is associated with and its associated metadata. This way on my end I can tie a free subscription to that user's account for the duration of the jam.

The other desire for the metadata is to be able to gather stats post completion of the game jam. Ideally, would like to see that providing more tools specific to helping jammers accomplish their objective results in a higher submission ratio of those who sign up and those who submit.

wanderrful commented 2 years ago

@fasterthanlime is long dead, so if you expose your game jam API (even if it's only the main GET call behind GET /jams with throttling so we can cache in our own layer) then we could make a successor app: people can create/join teams for a game jam.