Closed dtrckd closed 10 years ago
What do you mean? I don't get what you are saying. Please paste a screenshot.
All right, I hope the screenshot will be more expressive.
What happens when you add set t_Co=256
to your vimrc?
It's strange, I get the result of my screenshot above when I set the t_Co=256 in my vimrc, whatever the condition " if !has('gui_running') " in vimrc or the "export TERM=xterm-256color" in bashrc, which by the way has no effect for me.
In the other hand, if t_Co is not set in vimrc, but after launching Calendar in vim, by doing :set t_Co=256, i get back days of week, but their're not highlilted. But if, for example, I open a new tab I loose again the days, and setting t_Co, don't change the situation anymore, unless exiting vim and repeating this....
Same problem even for me. Linux (Arch).
It seems that the week's days are not visible because they are black and hilighted black. Maybe it should be good to have them in white...
What does :hi CalendarDayTitle
2 cases:
I figured out that if I change the colorscheme to, for example "torte", it solves the problem, nevertheless it still there for the "default" colorscheme which I use.
What does :echo &background ==# 'dark'
and :echo calendar#color#normal_fg_color()
1 and 232 for default colorscheme 1 and 255 for torte colorscheme
What is :echo synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID('Normal')), 'fg', 'cterm')
Yes, that was the problem... change to 256-grayvim all is displaying correctly !
256-grayvim is not in the default colorcheme and having functionnal displaying in default configuration seems to me important.
It works, good job !
Yeah, it's important for a plugin to work everywhere, while it's hard for developers. But this case seems to be caused by my oversight.
Under bash...