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ZBDongle-E reset loop after firmware upgrade #12

Closed Gl4di470r closed 1 year ago

Gl4di470r commented 1 year ago


I've updated my Dongle-E with the latest router firmware (Z3RouterUSBDonlge_EZNet6.10.3_V1.0.0) after reboot I get only the following messages in loop. Extended Reset info: 0x0401 (HV )

[ASSERT:C:/SiliconLabs/SimplicityStudio/v5/developer/sdks/gecko_sdk_suite/v3.2/platform/base/hal/micro/cortexm3/efm32/token.c:211] Reset info: 0x07 (CRS) Extended Reset info: 0x0701 (AST) Thread mode using main stack (20002460 to 20002DC0), SP = 20002CF0 640 bytes used (27%) in main stack (out of 2400 bytes total) No interrupts active Reset cause: Assert C:/SiliconLabs/SimplicityStudio/v5/developer/sdks/gecko_sdk_suite/v3.2/platform/base/hal/micro/cortexm3/efm32/token.c:211 R0 = 0004421A, R1 = 000000D3, R2 = 2000302C, R3 = 00000001 R4 = 00000000, R5 = 00000000, R6 = 0000000E, R7 = 00000031 R8 = 200033D4, R9 = 00041900, R10 = 000417D8, R11 = 200033D4 R12 = 00000001, R13(LR) = FFFFFFF9, MSP = 20002CF0, PSP = 20002DC0 PC = 00008314, xPSR = 69100000, MSP used = 00000280, PSP used = 00000000 CSTACK bottom = 20002460, ICSR = 00000806, SHCSR = 00070008, INT_ACTIVE0 = 00000000 INT_ACTIVE1 = 00000000, CFSR = 00010000, HFSR = 00000000, DFSR = 00000000 MMAR/BFAR = E000ED34, AFSR = 00000000, Ret0 = 00013A95, Ret1 = 0000833B Ret2 = 0000958B, Ret3 = 00024263, Ret4 = 0002CA0B, Ret5 = 00015199 Dat0 = 0004421A, Dat1 = 000000D3

Is there anyway to fix it?


drifton commented 1 year ago

Hey, did you somehow resolve this?

Gl4di470r commented 1 year ago

Hey, did you somehow resolve this?

Hi, no I don't have a fix for this issue. The problem is that I upgraded the stick with a EZSP v9 firmware that modified the token in the NVM. Therefore, the downgraded v8 router firmware doesn't work. It seems downgrade is not supported, so at the moment the only way to use the stick is EZSP v9 coordinator.