itead / Sonoff_Zigbee_Dongle_Firmware

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[REQUEST] EmberZNet 7.4.x.x Zigbee Router device firmware image for Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus V2 (model “ZBDongle-E”) by ITead? #33

Open Hedda opened 1 week ago

Hedda commented 1 week ago

@Daniel-zhan-itead @liangjia2019 @guozi7788 I like to suggest that ITead also releasing a new official Zigbee Router device firmware mage based on latest EmberZNet NCP 7.4.x.0 version for your Silicon Labs EFR32MG21 based “Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus V2” (model “ZBDongle-E”, a.k.a. "Dongle-E”) as an optional firmware:

Note that the current Zigbee Router firmware based on EmberZNet is working great and is already much appriciacted, it is just that it would be nice if the was an optional updated Zigbee Router firmware version that can be tested (as experimental at first before it can recommended).

EmberZNet version is going on in age and even trough it works great a newer version should hopefully provide bug-fixes, etc..

Hedda commented 1 week ago

FYI, Silabs Zigbee EmberZNet will soon be released but that is probably a little too cutting-edge, however, it would still be nice if you could provide both pre-release Zigbee Router and experimental Zigbee Router firmware for testing:

Note! Wanring and be aware that Zigbee EmberZNet and new SDK could potentially contain several breaking changes.