itemisCREATE / solidity-ide

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Extending the Grammar by Yul Statements #323

Closed jthoene closed 4 years ago

jthoene commented 4 years ago

Over the last year the Yul language extended and supports more statements and expressions than we currently support in the grammar. The current EBNF for Yul looks like the following:

Block = '{' Statement* '}'
Statement =
    Block |
    FunctionDefinition |
    VariableDeclaration |
    Assignment |
    If |
    Expression |
    Switch |
    ForLoop |
    BreakContinue |
FunctionDefinition =
    'function' Identifier '(' TypedIdentifierList? ')'
    ( '->' TypedIdentifierList )? Block
VariableDeclaration =
    'let' TypedIdentifierList ( ':=' Expression )?
Assignment =
    IdentifierList ':=' Expression
Expression =
    FunctionCall | Identifier | Literal
If =
    'if' Expression Block
Switch =
    'switch' Expression ( Case+ Default? | Default )
Case =
    'case' Literal Block
Default =
    'default' Block
ForLoop =
    'for' Block Expression Block Block
BreakContinue =
    'break' | 'continue'
Leave = 'leave'
FunctionCall =
    Identifier '(' ( Expression ( ',' Expression )* )? ')'
Identifier = [a-zA-Z_$] [a-zA-Z_$0-9.]*
IdentifierList = Identifier ( ',' Identifier)*
TypeName = Identifier
TypedIdentifierList = Identifier ( ':' TypeName )? ( ',' Identifier ( ':' TypeName )? )*
Literal =
    (NumberLiteral | StringLiteral | HexLiteral | TrueLiteral | FalseLiteral) ( ':' TypeName )?
NumberLiteral = HexNumber | DecimalNumber
HexLiteral = 'hex' ('"' ([0-9a-fA-F]{2})* '"' | '\'' ([0-9a-fA-F]{2})* '\'')
StringLiteral = '"' ([^"\r\n\\] | '\\' .)* '"'
TrueLiteral = 'true'
FalseLiteral = 'false'
HexNumber = '0x' [0-9a-fA-F]+
DecimalNumber = [0-9]+