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script for cleaning very messy headers (aka names) #2

Open tamscenterdata opened 5 years ago

tamscenterdata commented 5 years ago

this script fixes all the problems with headers in the attached file and writes a new csv file to the working directory with the new headers. There are a ton of explanatory comments, because i needed to remember what each line does, and thought it might be helpful to you as well. next, cleaning the data! send comments!


copy and use any of the following to clean messy headers (names)

depending on which ones your data needs cleaned up

if you edit some rows out, just don't end on a pipe: %>%

remember that when installing a package it is in quotes

but to load into library of this project use no quotes

run each command at a time and record in the console below, by

entering cntrol-enter anywhere in each line, or group of selected lines

if you see warnings in red in the console that is often totally ok

when you see a right-pointing blue caret in the console, then

R is done and ready for more

1st load the base r library

install.packages("readr") # if you have already installed R will restart

which is fine

library(readr) # this is all you need if you already

did installation to your computer

figure out where the working directory is


the working directory comes back as my desktop, so i want to change that

i copied the directory path from internet explorer

but it comes back w backslashes that i need to change

#to forward slashes"C:\Users\melinda\Dropbox (NAU)\MelindasFoldersDoNotTouch\MelindasFolders\R training with Helen\WindRose

i used the Edit menu above to Replace and Find with

just this text selected to become

C:/Users/melinda/Dropbox (NAU)/MelindasFoldersDoNotTouch/MelindasFolders/R training with Helen/WindRose")

now i can set the working directory by

setwd("C:/Users/melinda/Dropbox (NAU)/MelindasFoldersDoNotTouch/MelindasFolders/R training with Helen/WindRose")

and i go up a few lines and run get() to verify it is in the folder i am working from

next load the packages we need to read an excel file and change headers


load the data into a dataframe called air_data

i get a red error msg but then the blue caret so we can ignore it

air_data <- read_excel("La_jolla_pm25_wind_data.xls")

check the names as below


i see a lot to fix in my headers (names), as follows

old_names <- names(air_data) # make object of the old names old_names # R automatically appended a _1 to the

repeated Date name (column header)

this new object shows up in the environment panel in upper right

note that it added backslashes \ to before the quotes

to signify that the dbl quote is part of the string and not an R operator

next we need to load dplyr to use a pipe, which is like a function, and

can be thought of as: (x %>% f) means the same as

f is a function of x, like input-x-goes-to-output which is a

temporary object in this environment that R can use

install.packages("dplyr") library(dplyr)

clean the headers (names) so they do not contain

# any parentheses or single or double quotation marks, because
# those are symbols used in some functions, and also to change
# all upper case to lower case, and no spaces, periods, or plus signs, and
# that all headers are unique if R did not do that already

old_names <- names(air_data) # make object of the old names new_names <- old_names %>% # make object of the new names to clean up gsub("'", "", .) %>% # remove single quotation marks gsub("\"", "", .) %>% # remove double quotation marks gsub("%", "percent", .) %>% # change the symbol % to the word percent gsub("^[ ]+", "", .) %>% # this finds any plus signs and removes them

the ^ means at the beginning of the string

                          # [] means extract, then the + tells R 
                          # to extract a +, then replace w "nothing""

make.names(.) %>% gsub("[.]+", "", .) %>% # convert 1 or more periods to a single gsub("[]+", "", .) %>% # fix multiple consecutive underscores tolower(.) # make all letter lower case

see what that did anytime by looking at new_names


next, check for column names that are not unique

The next 8 rows adds the column number to any columns with the same name

not a big deal unless data has many dozens of columns

R actually did this already in the names(air_data) in row 40

but in case that did not happen, rows 79-86 will add _i to column name

dupe_count <- vapply(seq_along(new_names), function(i) { sum(new_names[i] == new_names[1:i]) }, integer(1)) new_names[dupe_count > 1] <- paste( new_names[dupe_count > 1], dupe_count[dupecount > 1], sep = "" )

by clicking new_names in the environment pane

i see the last space turned into an underscore so remove that

ideally just add the next two lines above before the ) but can do it step-wise

with another object now we call new_names_1

new_names_1 <- newnames %>%
$", "", .) # remove string-final underscores

now see what that did

new_names_1 air_data_1 <- setNames(air_data, new_names_1) #insert the new names into air_data

and create a new air_data_1 file

head(air_data_1) # to see the first 6 rows

and to see the whole new file in a new tab in this editor pane

click on air_data_1 in the upper right environment pane

Save data as a CSV file to your working directory

write_csv(air_data_1, "air_data_1.csv")

dKvale commented 5 years ago

Thanks for sharing Melinda. Cleaning-up text is always a fun adventure. :smile_cat:

When column names get real scary I sometimes choose to set them manually. My favorite function for that is rename(). It works a lot like mutate, you put the new column name on the left and the original column name that you're replacing on the right. Like this: rename(new_name = old_name)

library(readxl) # package to read an Excel file

# Load the data into a dataframe called air_data
air_data <- read_excel("La_jolla_pm25_wind_data.xls")

# Check the column names

[1] "Date"
[2] "Time"
[3] "PM2.5 Conc (ug/m3)"
[4] "Wind Speed (mph)"
[5] "Wind Direction (Degrees)"


# Set column names with rename() from dplyr
air_data <- rename(air_data, pm25_ugm3    = "PM2.5 Conc (ug/m3)",
                             wind_spd_mph = "Wind Speed (mph)",
                             wind_dir_deg = "Wind Direction (Degrees)")

# Check new column names

[1] "Date"
[2] "Time"
[3] "pm25_ugm3"
[4] "wind_spd_mph" [5] "wind_dir_deg"