iterate-ch / cyberduck

Cyberduck is a libre FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, Amazon S3, Backblaze B2, Microsoft Azure & OneDrive and OpenStack Swift file transfer client for Mac and Windows.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Download option "ask" ("Demander" in French) fails randomly although rarely #15893

Open Hymenorebutia opened 1 month ago

Hymenorebutia commented 1 month ago

**Desktop: Cyberduck 8.8.2 in French; Mac OS 14.4.1, MacBook Pro, M1 Pro.

I have 80 GB of files on a remote server where I store pdf files for friends. From time to time I make a backup copy (from the remote server to an external HD of my computer); backup is restricted to new or modified files using the option "ask" ("Demander" in French!) in the "Transfer" item of "Preferences" settings, and chosing "compare". I use to download (or upload) by moving the icon (file or folder) from the cydebuck window of the remote server, to the Mac Finder window of my computer.

Sometimes (say about 1-2% of the backups?), Cyberduck DOES NOT ask me (to compare the files versions), and it transfers the full set of files of the folder. This occurs at random……… and this transfer takes more than 4 hours for 80GB! 🤬 I just had the problem some minutes ago, and I checked immediately the preference file: the option "ask"(Demander) was selected! Just before this bug, I transfered another smaller folder and the "ask" option worked!

Impossible to reproduce on demand…

Maybe I make (made) an error in the icon transfer, but I do not guess which because the result is OK although too much time-consuming… Is the bug related to the size of the file/folder (maybe that my previous transfer problems occurred with the same heavy folder)

**Suggestion of "feature request" (whatever I report a bug or not!):

Log Files cyberduck.log

I have still 3 hours to wait……… 😵‍💫

Best wishes from Lyon, France


PS: Cyberduck is the best, however!!! You really understand the old "Mac philosophy", that of the Mac 128/512KB time, my first computer!