Cyberduck is a libre FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, Amazon S3, Backblaze B2, Microsoft Azure & OneDrive and OpenStack Swift file transfer client for Mac and Windows.
Using cyberduck 2.8.5, trying to access a freebox (a net box given to subscribers by the french ISP). The freebox has an embedded ftp server. Cyberduck used to work fine with it, but now when connecting to it, it gets in a strange state where apparently no connection is open, even though the log drawer says otherwise. It seems that the lack of reply to the FEAT command throws Cyberduck off :
220 Welcome to Freebox FTP Server.
USER freebox
331 User name okay, need password.
PASS ********
230- Bienvenue sur le serveur FTP Freebox.
230- Vos enregistrements se trouvent dans le répertoire :
230- /Disque dur/Enregistrements
230- Vous pouvez mettre vos vidéos dans le répertoire :
230- /Disque dur/Video
230 User logged in, proceed.
215 UNIX Type: L8
200 Command Okay.
CWD /Disque dur
250 directory changed to /Disque dur/
211 no-features
The main window is empty, the 'Disconnect' button is disabled, just as if no connection were open.
Using cyberduck 2.8.5, trying to access a freebox (a net box given to subscribers by the french ISP). The freebox has an embedded ftp server. Cyberduck used to work fine with it, but now when connecting to it, it gets in a strange state where apparently no connection is open, even though the log drawer says otherwise. It seems that the lack of reply to the FEAT command throws Cyberduck off :
The main window is empty, the 'Disconnect' button is disabled, just as if no connection were open.