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docs: publish as ebook/plain html/pdf or other formats #35

Open gonewest818 opened 4 years ago

gonewest818 commented 4 years ago

As discussed on discord, would the team please consider generating ebook versions of the documentation as an additional artifact of the site build?

I've tested manual conversion with pandoc which looks promising, but obviously the output needs tweaking and the process is not nice. e.g. I had to manually parse sidebar.json to get the correct ordering of the articles.

Whereas this might get closer to the right thing:

thanks all. stay safe-

UPDATE: Jump to

jorgeorpinel commented 4 years ago

So. This need has recently surfaced again as a relatively easy way to start keeping an archive of versions of the docs that match different major DVC releases. So either a PDF eBook or a simple standalone static HTML website of would be ideal, if that's something we can achieve easily with Gatsby.

Thoughts @shcheklein @fabiosantoscode @iAdramelk ? Cc @dmpetrov and @rogermparent


rogermparent commented 4 years ago

With the Models PR separating Doc nodes from others, something like this should be pretty painless to implement as long as there's a way to generate the required formats in Node. A simple HTML output is obviously the easiest route because it can just be done as another page, but for non-HTML formats we can take the same approach gatsby-plugin-sitemap does and output a file from within the onPostBuild hook using data sourced from GraphQL.

There's also the different ways such a page could be formatted like choosing if we keep the sidebar, use another more page-friendly form of index, or skip the index altogether. I can also see the need for some slight schema changes to get every page accessible in sidebar order, but that wouldn't be a big deal for me to implement.

I'm going to look into gatsby-plugin-ebook to see if it suits our needs- it probably provides an easy way to use the onPostBuild approach.

fabiosantoscode commented 4 years ago

Since the website is already a set of static files, keeping an archive of HTML shouldn't be too hard to accomplish.

Remember that most of what's good for epub, is also good for PDF and print. A lot of it also applies to AMP. So we can deal with all of those at once if need be.

fabiosantoscode commented 4 years ago

Of course there's the joining all the pages together, which depends on how epub works (I don't know anything about it!), but if we use a print-to-PDF tool we can control page breaks with CSS, and the rest (removing sidebars, top bar) with print CSS.

jorgeorpinel commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the answers guys, sounds promising! But I'm wondering how to keep this as simple as possible. We have all the content in Markdown so in theory this should not be a tough problem, let's not even force it to be done via Gatsby if it's too invovled.

A simple HTML output is obviously the easiest route

Lets focus on this format for now. What I'm imagining is: