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autogenerate docs #19

Open efiop opened 2 years ago

efiop commented 2 years ago

Seems like sphinx is the standard (Kudos @pmrowla for the suggestion), but dvc-task and dvc-render use mkdocs. Need to choose.

efiop commented 2 years ago

@daavoo Were there any particular reasons for choosing mkdocs over the other options?

daavoo commented 2 years ago

@daavoo Were there any particular reasons for choosing mkdocs over the other options?

Note my points are not really sphinx vs mkdocs but more sphinx vs (mkdocs + ecosystem) .

Mainly chose mkdocs because:

daavoo commented 2 years ago


shcheklein commented 2 years ago

@casperdcl has introduced some tooling in the shtab and PyDrive2 recently and there was a discussion I believe around it. Unless there is a really strong reason, I would try to keep it unified if possible.

casperdcl commented 2 years ago
skshetry commented 2 years ago

This is a discussion to have in Right now, using markdown in docs is inconsistent with the rest of the cookie-cutter template. Also, we don't need to force docs in all the generated repositories, it should be conditional.

I usually just use sphinx, coupled with the furo theme, which is nice and used in lots of Python libraries. There's also myst-parser that allows you to use markdown with Python and sphinx (which I find to be useful when including readme contents in the docs but use sphinx's autogeneration features.

casperdcl commented 2 years ago

using markdown in docs is inconsistent with the rest of the cookie-cutter template looks like markdown to me?

skshetry commented 2 years ago

using markdown in docs is inconsistent with the rest of the cookie-cutter template looks like markdown to me?

template has README.rst, CONTRIBUTING.rst and CODE_OF_CONDUCT.rst.

shcheklein commented 2 years ago

So, let's try to make it a bit more constructive please? What are the pros and cons of each? I only see some good arguments from @daavoo (thanks, David 🙏 ), everything else so far is not very constructive.

From the top of my head. We mush use MD (so we'll have to introduce additional processing? custom things? - not sure how complicated it is)?

@casperdcl what was your experience with sphinx was a pain ? could you elaborate a bit?

@skshetry what are the cons of using mkdocs?

can we compare the implementation complexity of some examples that we like ?

casperdcl commented 2 years ago

my understanding:




daavoo commented 2 years ago

This is a discussion to have in

I have no permissions to transfer the issue there

0x2b3bfa0 commented 2 years ago

(My personal preference[^1] is for Sphinx with Furo — like @skshetry in — plus Napoleon and Google-style documentation strings for the sake of quasiliterate programming)

Projects using Sphinx

Projects using MkDocs

Projects using other systems

[^1]: Shameless plug [^2]: Written in Markdown instead of reStructuredText; doesn't have any API reference, just user guides

0x2b3bfa0 commented 2 years ago

Disclaimer: my real-world experience with MkDocs is close to zero. 🤷🏼‍♂️

While reStructuredText and Sphynx are “the canonical choice” and have lots of specific syntax to represent Python concepts, they're also a bit niche and overcomplicated. I wonder if MkDocs will end up being the “hypermodern” replacement for them.

I've rescued some links from an old direct message conversation with @casperdcl:

shcheklein commented 2 years ago

@daavoo I can't transfer it either (some limitations may be bc that repo is the fork?)

efiop commented 2 years ago

For the record: just needed to enable issues in py-template first. Transfered.

0x2b3bfa0 commented 2 years ago

36% of Python programmers use documentation tools. The most popular one is Sphinx.[^1] #pythondevsurvey

[^1]: Sphinx (61%) 🥇 followed by MKDocs (22%) 🥈

jorgeorpinel commented 2 years ago

In case it's useful, we have a page that lists docs-related repos (and what they use) as of now:

casperdcl commented 2 years ago

I would prefer all docs-related repos have a topic documentation added to them to show up in (similar to how we do for topic:example)

jorgeorpinel commented 2 years ago

Agree. But that doesn't give us details on what engines they use, unless we start including that metadoc in the README or CONTRIBUTE files of every repo.

casperdcl commented 2 years ago

give us details on what engines they use

oh is that the intention? Why?