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Missing parent commit (bnraches) for DVC experiments #92

Closed leduckhc closed 1 year ago

leduckhc commented 1 year ago


I use gitlab CI run my experiments. So I am sure that the "parent" commit (branch) from which I run the dvc experiments. However, I do not see the the parent commit nor the branch. Here's the gitlab CI job that it runs. It goes something like in this like

launch cml-runner:
  stage: launch
  image: iterativeai/cml:0-dvc3-base1
    MACHINE_TYPE: m+v100
    MACHINE_LABELS: "cml-runner-gpu"
    # Reusability: Don't launch a new runner if an existing one has the same name or overlapping labels. If an existing matching (same name or overlapping labels) instance is busy, it'll still be reused.
    # This allows you to login to the instance using your public gitlab SSH key. The script is base64 encoded.
    - BASE64_SCRIPT=$(echo 'curl${GITLAB_USER_LOGIN}.keys >> /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys' | base64 -w 0)
    - cml runner launch

run cml-runner:
  stage: run
  tags: ["cml-runner-gpu"]
  image: $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/research-gpu:latest # this image is based on iterativeai/cml:0-dvc3-base1
    PRJ_DIR: projects/XXX
    # without this line, it does not work
    - cml ci --fetch-depth=0
    - python -V
    - nvidia-smi
    - python -c "import torch; print('CUDA is available for torch:', torch.cuda.is_available())"
    - cd $PRJ_DIR
    - dvc config --global studio.token $DVC_STUDIO_TOKEN
    - dvc pull --allow-missing
    - dvc exp run
    - dvc exp push origin

(Maybe this might help. My branch name is in the form "projects/XXX")

shcheklein commented 1 year ago

@leduckhc could you please check if the issue is resolved for you? You might need to "force import" the project again, it's available in the drop down menu per project.

shcheklein commented 1 year ago

Closing this, it should be resolved now. @leduckhc pls take a look and let me if you still see this.