iterative / terraform-provider-iterative

☁️ Terraform plugin for machine learning workloads: spot instance recovery & auto-termination | AWS, GCP, Azure, Kubernetes
Apache License 2.0
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TPI website basic example is fragile #640

Open tasdomas opened 1 year ago

tasdomas commented 1 year ago

I found this while testing out basic example in the README

If a user were to set spot to anything other than 0, the task will fail to start:

TPI [INFO] LOG 0 >> 2022-08-05 11:20:29 Started tpi-task.service.                           
TPI [INFO] LOG 0 >> 2022-08-05 11:20:29 (re)starting training loop from 1337 up to 1337 epochs
TPI [INFO] LOG 0 >> 2022-08-05 11:20:30 1337                                                
TPI [INFO] LOG 0 >> 2022-08-05 11:20:50 Error: invalid argument "0.05" for "--spot" flag: strconv.ParseBool: parsing "0.05": invalid syntax
TPI [INFO] LOG 0 >> 2022-08-05 11:20:50 tpi-task.service: Control process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
TPI [INFO] LOG 0 >> 2022-08-05 11:20:50 tpi-task.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.   

An example that reproduces this (the only line changed is spot = 0.05):

terraform {
  required_providers { iterative = { source = "" } }
provider "iterative" {}

resource "iterative_task" "example" {
  cloud      = "az" # or any of: gcp, az, k8s
  machine    = "m"   # medium. Or any of: l, xl, m+k80, xl+v100, ...
  spot       = 0.05     # auto-price. Default -1 to disable, or >0 for hourly USD limit
  disk_size  = -1    # GB. Default -1 for automatic
  permission_set = "/subscriptions/cee76754-ef49-49f7-b371-f6841fa82182/resourceGroups/domas-test-rg/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/domas-test-managed-identity"
  storage {
    workdir = "."       # default blank (don't upload)
    output  = "results" # default blank (don't download). Relative to workdir
  script = <<-END

    # create output directory if needed
    mkdir -p results
    # read last result (in case of spot/preemptible instance recovery)
    if test -f results/epoch.txt; then EPOCH="$(cat results/epoch.txt)"; fi
    EPOCH=$${EPOCH:-1}  # start from 1 if last result not found

    echo "(re)starting training loop from $EPOCH up to 1337 epochs"
    for epoch in $(seq $EPOCH 1337); do
      sleep 1
      echo "$epoch" | tee results/epoch.txt

This is caused by multiple decisions at multiple levels:

There are several ways to address this, including updating the basic terraform configuration example, but I think the way tpi parses the spot field needs to be changed.

0x2b3bfa0 commented 1 year ago

We could set spot to Float64Var instead of BoolVar so it's consistent with the legacy Terraform schema.

0x2b3bfa0 commented 1 year ago

However, asking users to pass --spot=0 in order to enable automatic spot pricing seems rather counterintuitive to me. I'd even ask myself whether allowing specifying a fixed spot price is a good idea. 🤔

casperdcl commented 1 year ago

whether allowing specifying a fixed spot price is a good idea

Do all clouds guarantee default(auto) spot pricing < on-demand?

tasdomas commented 1 year ago

I think the root cause of this is using the same binary for the CLI tool, for instance shutdown in provisioned machines and as a terraform provider plugin. I don't think there would be any harm in separating the three. The only blocking issue would be finding proper names for the three..

0x2b3bfa0 commented 1 year ago

Do all clouds guarantee default(auto) spot pricing < on-demand?


No maximum price: Your Spot Instance will launch at the current Spot price. The price will never exceed the On-Demand price. (Recommended)


The VM will not be evicted for pricing reasons. The max price will be the current price, up to the price for standard VMs. You will never be charged above the standard price.


Not applicable

0x2b3bfa0 commented 1 year ago

I think the root cause[^1] of this is using the same binary for the CLI tool, for instance shutdown in provisioned machines and as a terraform provider plugin.

Using the same binary as a Terraform provider and as a command line tool is definitely a bizarre choice. Still, it's not directly related to the float64 versus bool conundrum; API should look the same everywhere if it makes sense.

I don't think there would be any harm in separating the three.

The devil is in the details, but yes, task can be safely extracted as a module without changing a single byte of the code apart from the name.

The only blocking issue would be finding proper names for the three.

Not sure if it's “the only” issue, but it's probably the biggest one.

[^1]: Note that root causes are rarely the root causes you're looking for. 😅

casperdcl commented 1 year ago

so something like this?

0x2b3bfa0 commented 1 year ago

Given that spot is a widely used term, I'd consider using it instead of more creative alternatives like !on_demand 🤔

casperdcl commented 1 year ago

I thought GCP uses s/spot/preemptible/ and s/on.demand/standard/ :)

0x2b3bfa0 commented 1 year ago

Google Cloud followed the spot naming trend recently. 😅

casperdcl commented 1 year ago

Anyway the point of renaming is mostly to retain some backward-compatibility? The alternative -- spot: bool=False -- will silently break existing user workflows that have spot: float (presumably the float will get cast to a bool in the most undesirable way?)

0x2b3bfa0 commented 1 year ago

the point of renaming is mostly to retain some backward-compatibility

Isn't it a bit too early to get started with “perfect backwards compatibility” on this project?

casperdcl commented 1 year ago

added to :)

DavidGOrtega commented 1 year ago

However, asking users to pass --spot=0 in order to enable automatic spot pricing seems rather counterintuitive to me.

Was your idea 😁 machine and runner have that term as spot and spot_price @0x2b3bfa0

0x2b3bfa0 commented 1 year ago

Guilty as charged! 😅 Exposing two separate options didn't seem to me a good option either.

I wonder if we should just expose --spot=<boolean> and leave pricing to cloud providers. Who wants to set it manually anyway?[^1]

[^1]: Not a haphazard assumption anymore, let's check telemetry data.