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Change password catergory #32

Closed sebastiaan-levix closed 4 years ago

sebastiaan-levix commented 4 years ago


I've imported some passwords with a category which is false. Now I'd like to bulk change to pw category. This is what I got sofar but how to update the pw category only?

$output = Get-ITGluePasswords -filter_password_category_id 1696235240882384

foreach ($password in $ { Write-host $ Write-host $password."resource-url"

    Set-ITGluePasswords ?????


sebastiaan-levix commented 4 years ago

Got a bit further by reading the doco :)

$data = @{ type = 'passwords' id = 1738405732450458 attributes = @{ username = 'admin' } }

Set-ITGluePasswords -organization_id 1694461951918297 -data $data

But this code returns: Set-ITGluePasswords : {"errors":[{"status":403,"title":"Cannot PATCH Password in bulk","source":{"pointer":null}}]}

sebastiaan-levix commented 4 years ago


Don't forget to authorise your API key for passwords :)

`Import-Module ITGlueAPI

function formatAPIData {

    # Update the password changing the category-id
$body = @{
    type = 'passwords'
    attributes = @{    
        organization_id = $orgID
        id = $pwID
        'password-category-id' = $NewCategoryID
        'password-category-name' = $NewCategoryName
return $body


$NewCategoryName = "New category name" $outputID = Get-ITGluePasswordCategories -filter_name $NewCategoryName $NewCategoryID = $

$OldCategoryName = "Old category name" $outputID = Get-ITGluePasswordCategories -filter_name $OldCategoryName $OldCategoryID = $

$output = Get-ITGluePasswords -filter_password_category_id $OldCategoryID

foreach ($password in $ { Write-host "name : " $ Write-host "organization-id : " $password.attributes.'organization-id' Write-host "category-name : " $password.attributes.'password-category-name' Write-host "password-id : " $ Write-host "----------------------------------------------------------------------------"

    $orgID = $password.attributes.'organization-id'
    $pwID = $

    $body = formatAPIData # format data for API call

    $result = Set-ITGluePasswords -data $body

    # View results
    $ | Format-List


<# cheers Sebastiaan :)
