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Issue running the module commandlets twice using Azure Function #33

Closed EricB-OnestepIT closed 4 years ago

EricB-OnestepIT commented 4 years ago


I've made a small script that is supposed to run as an Azure Function. Everything works the first time a request is received but on the second request I get this error message regarding Convert-Json Depth:

`ERROR: Cannot validate argument on parameter 'Depth'. The argument is null, empty, or an element of the argument collection contains a null value. Supply a collection that does not contain any null values and then try the command again.

Exception : Type : System.Management.Automation.ParameterBindingValidationException Message : Cannot validate argument on parameter 'Depth'. The argument is null, empty, or an element of the argument collection contains a null value. Supply a collection that does not contain any null values and then try the command again. ParameterName : Depth ParameterType : int ErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationError Line : 247 Offset : 54 CommandInvocation : MyCommand : ConvertTo-Json BoundParameters : Comparer : System.OrdinalIgnoreCaseComparer`

My script: `##################################### #

Onestep IT Agent Backend

Powershell 7.0


Version: 0.1

Eric Birgersson / Onestep IT 2020

# #####################################

using namespace System.Net

Input bindings are passed in via param block.

param($Request, $TriggerMetadata)


IT Glue API Parameters


Add-ITGlueBaseURI -base_uri Add-ITGlueAPIKey -Api_Key #########


Get input data


$hostname = $Request.Body.Hostname $ipaddress = $Request.Body.IPaddress $Serialnumber = $Request.Body.Serialnumber $model = $Request.Body.Model $manufacturer = $Request.Body.Manufacturer

$platform = $Request.Body.Platform # Set automatically when setting OS

$version = $Request.Body.Version $isserver = $Request.Body.IsServer $isvm = $Request.Body.IsVM $orgid = $Request.Body.OrgID

Write-Host $Request.Body

Trim input data to Match IT Glue

$version = $version.replace("Microsoft ","") $version = $version -replace '( Pro)',' Professional' $manufacturer = $manufacturer.replace(" Inc.","")

Get configurations for the org with the same hostname, if exists

$configs = Get-ITGlueConfigurations -organization_id $orgid -filter_name $hostname -page_size 1000


Set or create Manufacturer


Get manufacturers to loop through to get id or create new

$manufacturers = Get-ITGlueManufacturers -page_size 1000 $manu_id = 0;

Search for existing manufacturer and save id

foreach ($man in $ { if ($ -like $manufacturer) {

Found matching manufacturer - set id

    $manu_id = $


Check if match was found, if not create manufacturer

if ($manu_id -eq 0) {

No manufacturer found, create new

$new_manu = @{
    type = "manufacturers"
    attributes = @{
        name = $manufacturer
# Create and set new ID
$return = New-ITGlueManufacturers -data $new_manu
$manu_id = $



Set or create Model


Get models to loop through to get id or create new

$models = Get-ITGlueModels -page_size 1000 $mod_id = 0;

Search for existing model and save id

foreach ($mod in $ { if ($ -like $model) {

Found matching model - set id

    $mod_id = $


Check if match was found, if not create model

if ($mod_id -eq 0) {

No model found, create new

$new_mod = @{
    type = "models"
    attributes = @{
        name = $model
        manufacturer_id = $manu_id
# Create and set new ID
$return = New-ITGlueModels -data $new_mod
$mod_id = $



Create data table to send


Data to push to ITG

$data = @{ type = "configurations" attributes = @{ name = $hostname hostname = $hostname configuration_type_id = 1378672435314917 configuration_status_id = 1378672425238664 # Status is always Active manufacturer_id = $manu_id model_id = $mod_id primary_ip = $ipaddress serial_number = $Serialnumber } }


Set Operating system


Get Operating Systems to get ID

$oss = Get-ITGlueOperatingSystems -page_size 1000

foreach ($os in $ { if ($version -like $ { $data.attributes.operating_system_id= $ } }


Set Config Type


Determine type

$types = Get-ITGlueConfigurationTypes -page_size 1000

Is VM?

if ($isvm) {


foreach ($type in $ {
    if ($ -Like "VM") {
        # Found VM, set id
        $data.attributes.configuration_type_id = $

} else {

Not VM

if ($isserver) {
    foreach ($type in $ {
        if ($ -Like "Server") {
            # Found VM, set id
            $data.attributes.configuration_type_id = $
} else {
    foreach ($type in $ {
        if ($ -Like "Workstation") {
            # Found VM, set id
            $data.attributes.configuration_type_id = $



Create or Update Configuration


Check if config exist to update or create

if ($configs.meta.'total-count' -eq 0) {

Configuration not found, create!

$new_config = New-ITGlueConfigurations -organization_id $orgid -data $data

} else {

Configuration found, update!

$idtoupdate = $ | Select-Object -First 1 # Set the first one if multiple configurations with the same hostname exists
$new_config = Set-ITGlueConfigurations -id $idtoupdate -organization_id $orgid -data $data


$body = $

Associate values to output bindings by calling 'Push-OutputBinding'.

Push-OutputBinding -Name Response -Value ([HttpResponseContext]@{ StatusCode = [HttpStatusCode]::OK Body = $body }) `

EricB-OnestepIT commented 4 years ago

I posted wrong, sorry!